

  • Preparation of customs declarations for all possible procedures
  • Use of the simplified procedure on site
  • Representation of economic operators before state administrative authorities, by direct and indirect authorisation
  • Allowing the use of the customs security
  • Legalising certificates of origin and organising licences for the use of declarations of origin
  • Operation of temporary storage and bonded warehouses
  • Designing customs procedures to meet individual customer needs
  • Classification of goods
  • Organisation of binding tariff information and binding origin information licences
  • Development of automatic information exchange projects
  • Enabling the settlement of import duty amounts in the monthly tax return in accordance with Article 33a of the Vat Act
  • Designing and obtaining consent for recognised sites
  • Preparation of Intrastat declarations
  • Preparation of projects in order to obtain an authorised economic operator’s permit
  • Organisation of the legalisation of documents at embassies
  • Organising all necessary documents and permits to place goods under a customs procedure.